Thursday, March 25, 2010

Food and Me

What I ate today:
Honey nut cheerios (a knockoff)
A blueberry pop tart (Trader Joe's brand)
Peanut butter filled pretzels
Smoked tuna sandwich (at work for staff meal)
A single malfatti (a spinach/ricotta dumpling like thing that's shaped like an egg, and takes multiple days to work)
Crostini (thin slice of bread toasted with oil)

Things about food that interest to me:
Nutrition: what's good for my body and yours.
History of nutrition in the US: 1960's industrialization of food.  Being the nation that is the most obsessed with nutrition and nutrients and vitamins and all that jazz, and paradoxically being the most obese and unhealthy (much thanks to advertising and the food and drug companies).
America exporting it's diet to the world.
Food scarcity
Food as community, religion, pleasure, family.
Food movements - oragnic, slow, small plates, local, all that stuff California adores.  Pluots.
Organic certifications in and out
Food as history: We've been eating some of the same essential (regional) foods for a very long time, fried chicken and the south, hummus and the middle east, Sicilian Pizzuta almonds...
Food in history: "Let them eat brioche!" Marie Antoinette
Food made in the right way.
Food idioms (I have been collecting them since I incorporated some of them into one of my lessons at English language summer camp in Russia).

People I draw inspiration from at the moment:
Marion Nestle - NYU professor in food studies, PhD in Nutrition, Food/Nutrition columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle and food writer for The Atlantic.
Peter Reinhardt - baker, professor, master of the Pain Poilane (famous Parisian loaf), and author of the most fabulous bread book I've been learning and experimenting from, "The Bread Baker's Apprentice."
Michael Pollan - food writer/author (currently reading his book, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto)
Ari Weinzweig - most endearing food writer for the Atlantic
Lara Vapnar - food novelist - author of "Broccoli and Other Tales of Food and Love" - short fiction stories about Russian immigrants to the US  - all of which use food as metaphors to explore their personal lives.
Julia Child - food enthusiast
Richard Olney - poetic food writer of the past - must read his chapter on eggs.
Chlotilde  - French food blogger who makes me want to eat everything she makes.

My lists will grow as will legitimate blog posts I hope.  Here's to restarting and re-vamping my food blog!  And along the way maybe I'll learn a thing or two about where my interests really lie.  Same time next week ish.

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